Here are some Frequently Asked Questions.
Am I Locked Into A Contract?
No, we work on a monthly rolling basis, simply let us know if you no longer wish to train and we will cancel your monthly payment.
Do I Need A Karate Suit?
Not initially, we realise that spending out money on equipment before making that all important decision to commit can be off-putting so just wear clothing suitable for exercising in, jogging bottoms, leggings, t-shirts, hoodies all work well to begin with.
What Should I Bring To My Trial Session
We’d recommend bringing a water bottle and that’s it really unless you need anything like an inhaler or any snacks if you are diabetic.
Lets Talk...
Got a burning question, something not working, want some info about our classes or are you a Karate group looking for some link ups, or even perhaps joining us?
Then use the form opposite to reach out, after all it’s good to talk…
07967 125458